Gunshot Targeting System
A response to a sudden hostile gunshot encounter
Gunshot Targeting System (GTS) is a mesh system of acoustic sensors that detects gunshots direction and distance.
Each sensor can work independently or mesh. While in mesh, the results are significantly more accurate and no single point of failure.
The System is suable for mounting/usage in the following possibilities:
- Wearable on a soldier
- Fixed mounting (on a perimeter fence, wall etc.)
- Vehicle Mounted
The System is sensitive enough to work within a rural or urban areas.
The usage of GTS increases situational awareness of the mission, increases safety and mitigates friendly fire.
>95% Probability of Detection Rate
99% Rejection of Non Gunshot Events
Less than 7 degrees of Azimuth Error
10% or Less Range Error
Multi Usage
Designed and Tested for Open, Urban, woodland and other complex environments
Instant Sniper Location Dissemination to Everyone in the Team
Optional Friendly Location Capability
Training modes enhance readiness
Can be Trained to detect and locate any discrete acoustic signature
Long Range
Communications Range Between Sensors - up to 500m
Displayed range – up to 400m